We are a local community of artists, makers and creatives

We are a new creative community in the heart of Napa. 

100 Coombs is a space where we celebrate community and art. We are open to artists, makers, photographers, designers and writers who are looking for creative work space, collaboration and community. 

We know how difficult it can be to find space to create and how crucial it is to have a supportive community. Our mission is to provide accessible studio space, resources and community for up and coming artists and makers in the Napa Valley.

We strive to connect a community of artists; to share knowledge, methods and inspiration. We aim to become the creative and commercial home for artists of all kinds including painters, sculptors, fabric artists, photographers, crafters, and much more.

Tannery Bend has a renowned history of manufacturing and craft.

Because of its proximity to downtown Napa and flexible spaces, 100 Coombs at Tannery Bend is the perfect place for artists and makers. Our studios can serve as spaces to show and share your work. We are a new home for the new Napa creative.

Meet the team

Linda Parks


Linda is excited to welcome artists and creatives to 100 Coombs. Linda is a successful business owner who has supported many employees for multiple decades in Napa. She is interested in opening up her space to the creative community, helping other small business and helping them thrive. 

Linda Parks is an esteemed business woman. She is the president and CEO of Lixit Animal Care Products in Napa. Linda was recognized as Napa County’s Woman of the Year in 2018 by U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson. When Parks joined Lixit in 1971 as a buyer, there were only 10 employees. Today, under her leadership, Lixit is a thriving business with more than 100 employees, many of whom are adults with disabilities.

“Linda’s contributions to our community extend far beyond the success of her business,” said Thompson. “Under Linda’s leadership, Lixit enables adults with disabilities to find employment and thereby gain independence. And, Linda is clearly beloved by her employees because there is hardly any employee turnover at Lixit.”

Chief Creative Officer + Artist Liaison

I recently moved to Napa from Los Angeles. The hardest thing about leaving Los Angeles was leaving my art studio, a warehouse with 100+ artists. Being a part of this community made me realize how essential it is for artists to have a home. HAC allowed us to connect with other artists, meet local visitors, host classes and grow our businesses. We came together with all ages, all backgrounds, and all experience levels. Working together, we created life long friendships. A former warehouse became a living, breathing heart for the disconnected city.

Art is my passion as well as my livelihood. I teach art workshops with my business Crave Workshops and have hosted over 4000 participants around world. When I lead virtual and in person events, I always hear the desire to connect more and connect deeper. We all need this home. My mission is  to connect our creative community and help build this creative catalyst in Napa. 

Agnes Pierscieniak